Monday 16 February 2009

Vince DelMonte Review

Vince DelMonte Review

This is Vince DelMonte... ... and he's the author of Your Six Pack Quest – the number one online fat loss program on the Internet and No Nonsense Muscle Building – the number one bodybuilding program on the Internet.

For the past few years Vince DelMonte been considered the world’s top “Skinny Guy” expert and now considered the worlds top “Hard Loser’” expert after helping Peter Carvell get his six pack and lose 100 lbs in 6 months.

A regular contributor to Men’s Fitness Magazine; and on the Advisory Team for Maximum Fitness Magazine, Vince DelMonte is an authority on body sculpting techniques.

Vince DelMonte is also a regular contributor to dozens of online and offline magazines. In 2005, Vince ventured into the fitness modeling world and won the Canadian Fitness Model Championships.

Vince DelMonte own Skinny Vinny transformation has been featured on and in Maximum Fitness Magazine.

Vince DelMonte boldly promises that his system will not let you down, and in a few short months you’ll have a brand new body, a brand new outlook and a brand new life.

Vince DelMonte ReviewCurrently his book, No Nonsense Muscle Building has helped thousands of skinny guys and gals, in over 100 different countries, defeat their skinny genetics without drugs, supplements and training less than before.

Now, his brand new Six Pack program is the top site dedicated to losing belly fat and getting flat, ripped abdominals whether you need to drop the first 10 pounds or the last 100 lbs. Vince states his program works even if you have a slow metabolism, bad genetics, a lack of motivation and have tried everything else and failed.
He goes on to say, "if I can help Peter Carvell, who has the worst genetics in the world, lose 100 pounds in 6 months then I can help you sculpt the body you have right now and turn it into one that turns heads".

Vince DelMonte practises what he preaches, which is why you see him without his shirt on, unlike many other authors who talk about fat loss and getting a six pack but are hypocrites and just looking to make an easy buck with rehashed hype.

Be sure sign up for the Vince DelMonte FREE 10 Free Video Coaching Lessons (below) for either his muscle building or six pack program (as well as his free newsletter) to show you that Vince DelMonte is the real deal, lives and breaths fitness and is truly committed to helping you transform your body.

Visit Vince DelMonte's site here